Sparten der Zauberei - Allgemeine Magie

In der Sparte "allgemeine Magie" befinden sich Zaubertricks, die zum essenziellen der Zauberei gehören. Entdecken Sie neues und lassen Sie sich inspirieren in unserer Kategorie der „allgemeinen Magie“!

In der Sparte " allgemeine Magie " befinden sich Zaubertricks, die zum essenziellen der Zauberei gehören.  Entdecken Sie neues und lassen Sie sich inspirieren in unserer Kategorie der... read more »
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Sparten der Zauberei - Allgemeine Magie

In der Sparte "allgemeine Magie" befinden sich Zaubertricks, die zum essenziellen der Zauberei gehören. Entdecken Sie neues und lassen Sie sich inspirieren in unserer Kategorie der „allgemeinen Magie“!

32 From 34
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Trace (Props and DVD) by Will Tsai and SM Productionz
Trace (Props and DVD) by Will Tsai and SM...
Trace is a powerful tool that creates up to two different card impressions on ANYTHING. A modern and eerie revelation that guarantees to great reactions. A must have utility tool straight from Will Tsai's everyday repertoire. Trace ......
£ 33.71 *
Capswitch bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Chapswitch by Nicholas Lawrence | DVD
Imagine rolling up a bill into a little tube, changing it into a small chapstick with just a little shake. Visual magic happens inches away from your spectator's eyes. Borrowed bill Borrowed chapstick Works with any currency Use any...
£ 25.27 *
Noted 2.0 (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones and Magic Tao
Noted 2.0 (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones and...
Noted 2.0 (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones and Magic Tao The scenario is as follows. You approach a group of people, or an individual, holding a small note pad and a Sharpie marker. You then say that you will vanish the note pad. On a...
£ 22.70 *
THE CHOP CUP bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Der Chop Cup mit Requisiten & DVD
The Chop Cup with Props & DVD This magical cup is precision made for the professional magician as well as those just starting in magic. You get: The Magic Makers Chop Cup A set of red knit balls (props) A set of rubber bounce balls...
£ 29.45 *
Vanishing Candy Illusion bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Vanishing Candy Illusion
A brass tube, lid, and roll of candy are presented. The candy is placed into the brass tube, and covered with the lid. A spectator removes the lid, only to find that the candy has vanished, and in its place is a rainbow colored streamer!...
£ 25.27 *
Realistische Daumenspitze - Reality Thumbtip True Tone | Zauberzubehör
Realistische Daumenspitze - Reality Thumbtip...
The color and elastomeric design of this thumb looks so real you’d think we put a real person’s thumb in a clear plastic bag and are selling it! Take you the best thumb tip ever made. 6" Silk included.
£ 5.82 *
Mini Trick Flaschen Mini Trick Bottles | Zaubertrick
Mini Trick Flaschen Mini Trick Bottles |...
Mini Trick Bottles Sooth Your Magical Thirst With Uncle Rob’s Original Root Beer Trick! This interactive effect keeps spectators guessing if the bottle is right side up or upside down in a game of unique copycat. Everything needed to...
£ 14.26 *
reinCARDnation bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
reinCARDnation | Zaubertrick
Do you believe in reinCARDnation? If not, then prepare to become a believer. Kris Nevling brings you the world’s 1st piece by piece FULL restoration of a signed playing card that uses only ONE card. Nothing Added. Totally Impromptu....
£ 25.27 *
Magic Writer - Ultimate Pen Thru Bill Illusion
Magic Writer - Ultimate Pen Thru Bill Illusion
Magic Writer - Ultimate Pen Thru Bill Illusion When it comes to magic with pens, this is the flagship of props. You show a spectator that you have stabbed your pen through an envelope or a bill leaving no hole! The pen gimmick is...
£ 16.83 *
Shift - 21 Card Shifts
Shift - 21 Card Shifts
Most Card tricks require you to know exactly where the selected card is within the deck. Passes and shifts allow you to manipulate selected cards anywhere in the deck without the spectator’s knowledge. This instructional DVD includes...
£ 14.47 *
32 From 34

Sparten der Zauberei - Allgemeine Magie

In der Sparte "allgemeine Magie" befinden sich Zaubertricks, die zum essenziellen der Zauberei gehören. Hier finden Sie Zaubertricks mit Kugeln, Gummiringen, Büroklammern etc. Hier finden Sie Klassiker genauso wie neu Zaubertricks die dieser Sparte entsprechen.

Entdecken Sie neues und lassen Sie sich inspirieren in unserer Kategorie der „allgemeinen Magie“!
