Zaubern auf der Bühne - Die Sparte der Stand Up Zauberei

28 From 35
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Erscheinender Stab - Appearing cane steel - Black | Zauberzubehör
Erscheinender Stab - Appearing cane steel -...
Erscheinender Stab - Appearing cane steel - Black | Zauberzubehör The best Appearing Cane made in steel ever! The magician displays a silk and suddenly changes it into a long cane. The cane could be also made to appear out of thin air. •...
£ 22.58 *
Ring für Ring on Rope bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
DELUXE Ring and Rope by TCC
DELUXE Ring and Rope by TCC Ein wunderschöner Ring aus legiertem Metall der von einem Seidenband durchdrungen, gekreuzt, verbunden und gelöst wird. Für dieses äußerst verblüffende Schauspiel benötigen Sie keinerlei Kenntnisse über...
£ 41.81 *
Ouch! by Quique Marduk
Ouch! by Quique Marduk | Zaubertrick
Der lustigste "Karten-Stich" (Card Stab) überhaupt! Der Zauberer bittet einen Zuschauer, eine Karte aus dem Deck auszuwählen, und nachdem er sie dem Publikum gezeigt hat, legt er sie in die Mitte des Decks zurück. Der Zauberer nimmt ein...
£ 41.85 *
Erscheinender Putzmop - Appearing Mop
Erscheinender Putzmop - Appearing Mop
Magician walks out with a folded bag. he then prodeeds to open the bag and pulls out an 8' broom. Funny, easy and magic!
£ 41.81 *
This is another one | Magictrick
This is another one | Magictrick
This is another one The Magician shows a red silk. He pushes it into his fist and announces that it has vanished. But the audience will complain "It's still in your hand!" ..."Yes, I have still a silk, but it is another one" says the...
£ 5.78 *
GAME by Luke Jermay
GAME by Luke Jermay and Vanishing Inc.
Roberto Giobbi, Michael Weber, R Paul Wilson, Daniel Madison, John Archer, Asi Wind have all played Jermay's "GAME" and now it's your turn ... "GAME" is Jermay's professional handling of Dai Vernon's classic "Trick That Cannot Be...
£ 25.10 *
Blowing blendo by Vincenzo Di Fatta bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Blowing blendo by Vincenzo Di Fatta | Zaubertrick
Blowing blendo by Vincenzo Di Fatta The magician shows a tube and puts two small silks of different colors inside. He then brings the tube to his mouth, and blows in it. A large zebra silk with the same colors of the small ones, will...
£ 16.72 *
28 From 35