- Order number: MONTE
Monte Cristo Deck is not only one more trick deck among others on the market, which would be good just for one trick only. By far not! This deck is a very powerful tool for any ambitious card magician! Some ideas:
1 - Long before a card is selected, you have a written prediction - it will always be the correct one.
2 - The chosen card is returned to the deck. The deck is shuffled but you will always find the card with ease. Always.
3 - After the card is returned to the deck which is then shuffled by the spectator, someone may name a number between 1 and 52. Deal the cards face down on the table; the spectator's card will be at that number.
Monte Cristo Pack or ("Peerless Monte-Cristo Cards") is a Forcing Deck developed by Henry Hardin, produced by Theodore DeLand and put on the market in December 1908. As advertised in 1909, "One of the card hits of the century, the nearest approach to the supernatural yet discovered. A spectator looks at any card in the deck and suite name, etc., is found written on a piece of paper in a sealed envelope in another spectator's possession." A later development of the deck was the Telomatic Deck and was an early version of the Tossed Out Deck.
• No sort of any force is needed.
• No rough & smooth. No sticky stuff applied.
• No locator cards, short cards, thick cards, marked cards, double faced cards.
• The chosen card can be shown relatively free. You knew the spectator's card - long before he selected a card.
• The deck can be fanned or table spreaded. The best is, to show the deck in it’s factory order and it can be mixed.
• Only 1 full deck used: 52 different cards + 2 regular (Bicycle) Jokers. The third series, the one that we sell, has 2 special printed extra gaff cards included which are “prediction cards” (universal language, since there is no word printed on).
• Cards, poker size, are original Bicycle Rider Back 808 and are made in the USA by the US Playing Card Company. The deck is sealed and cello-wrapped and comes in the old fashioned Bicycle tuck case with a printed prediction within the barcode.
For all of these reasons the “Monte Cristo deck” is even definitely superior to the “Mastermind deck”.