Crown Deck - Light Blue

Crown Deck - Light Blue
10,26 € *

Prix dont TVA plus frais de port

Prêt à expédier immédiatement,
délai de livraison env. 1-3 jours ouvrés

  • CROW
Simplicity meets elegance!   The Crown Deck is the signature deck of The
Informations sur le produit "Crown Deck - Light Blue"
Simplicity meets elegance!
The Crown Deck is the signature deck of The Blue Crown. Designed to evoke quality, elegance, and style The Crown Deck has a Tally-Ho inspired back design and Arrco faces to offer a timeless appeal.
Top quality stock and finish for ultimate handling and longevity.
Each Crown Deck is printed for us by the US Playing Card company using high-quality stock and finish to ensure lasting quality, durability, and handling superiority. The result is a deck that feels as good as it looks, and will add a touch of class to your magic, flourishes, and poker games.
• The deck is poker size.
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