► Les meilleurs DVD magiques du monde entier

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Carnival Trick Deck inklusive DVD | Zaubertricks
Carnival Trick Deck inklusive DVD | Zaubertricks
Carnival Trick Deck inklusive DVD – Magische Unterhaltung auf höchstem Niveau! ? Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der magischen Illusionen mit dem Carnival Trick Deck inklusive DVD ! Dieses thematische und faszinierende Kartenspiel bringt...
34,95 € *
Crazy Ball Bruno Copin
Crazy Ball by Bruno Copin | Zaubertrick
Crazy Ball ist voll von verrückten Effekten (Erscheinen, Verschwinden, Verwandlung, Durchdringung, Verwandlung und Schweben). Crazy Ball ist das Ergebnis eines langen kreativen Forschungsprojekts, das von seinem Schöpfer, Bruno COPIN ,...
60,00 € *
TWISTER Jay Senkay
TWISTER Jay Sankey | Zaubertrick
Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Key Bend Handlings bleibt der Schlüssel, den Sie gerade bearbeiten, nicht nur vor und nach dem Biegen, sondern auch WÄHREND des Biegens vollständig sichtbar! Das Publikum kann die Verformung des Schlüssels...
29,90 € *
ACE (Cards and Online Instructions) by Richard Sanders
ACE (Cards and Online Instructions) by Richard...
A disturbingly clean 4 card change that happens in the spectator's own hands! Effect: 2 jokers are cleanly placed int the spectator's hands and two jokers are placed into your hands, By simply touching your jokers to theirs, all cards...
24,90 € *
Solomon's Secret Subtleties by David Solomon
Solomon's Secret Subtleties by David Solomon
Dave Solomon is one of the worlds leading thinkers on card magic. His books and DVDs have bought him international acclaim, and on this new DVD, it's clear to see why Dave is held in such high esteem. All of these tricks will fool you....
42,90 € *
Close up (Volume 2) by Zeki
Close up (Volume 2) by Zeki
2012 FISM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OF MAGIC Close-up Card magic Winner! This is DVD which contains the tricks that magician Yoo hyun min has gathered his own close-up Ideas so far. By DVD, you will learn not only diverse close-up techniques,...
42,90 € *
Close up (Volume 1) by Zeki
Close up (Volume 1) by Zeki
The 3rd place Close Up Card Magic winner of the 2012 FISM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OF MAGIC! Close Up Idea is packed with effects from the personal repertoire of FISM WINNER Yoo Hyun Min (Zeki) . You will learn diverse close up techniques,...
42,90 € *
Klose-Up And Unpublished by Kenton Knepper
Klose-Up And Unpublished by Kenton Knepper
You may be amazed at how astonishingly easy most of this material is to do. When Kenton revealed his secret in his lectures, magicians nearly fell to the floor. They couldn't imagine what they had seen was so simple. This is the very...
29,95 € * 34,90 € *
The Business (DVD and Gimmick) by Romanos and Alakazam Magic
The Business (DVD and Gimmick) by Romanos and...
Romanos has created a super cool ultra-organic and wonderfully deceptive peek device. The Business utilizes an ingenious method built into a normal looking business card case. Imagine removing your business cards from your case and...
66,90 € *
Zero Elements (2 DVD Set) by Vernet
Zero Elements (2 DVD Set) by Vernet
This is what it is: Professional Magic Without Elements. Yes, with ZERO elements: not a single piece of paper, neither a coin nor a match. With ZERO you will have the power to perform plenty of effects, anytime, anywhere. ZERO is also a...
69,90 € *
0.01 Sec by Lyman Luo
0.01 Sec by Lyman Luo
Lyman Luon ist ein talentierter Zauberer aus Guangzhou, China. Er kreierte einen der visuellsten Karten - Sleights die ich je gesehen habe. Sie Dir den Trailer an und Du wirst einige " Zaubertricks " sehen die dich umhauen werden. Doch...
29,90 € *
Basic Contact Juggling by Brian Erle & Will Roya
Basic Contact Juggling by Brian Erle & Will Roya
Basic Contact Juggling by Brian Erle & Will Roya Learn the basics of contact juggling with professional Brian Erle. This hypnotic and meditative art form has been featured in movies and on TV. It can be performed with almost any ball,...
16,90 € *
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