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TWISTER Jay Senkay
TWISTER Jay Sankey | Zaubertrick
Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Key Bend Handlings bleibt der Schlüssel, den Sie gerade bearbeiten, nicht nur vor und nach dem Biegen, sondern auch WÄHREND des Biegens vollständig sichtbar! Das Publikum kann die Verformung des Schlüssels...
29,90 € *
Close up (Volume 2) by Zeki
Close up (Volume 2) by Zeki
2012 FISM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OF MAGIC Close-up Card magic Winner! This is DVD which contains the tricks that magician Yoo hyun min has gathered his own close-up Ideas so far. By DVD, you will learn not only diverse close-up techniques,...
42,90 € *
Close up (Volume 1) by Zeki
Close up (Volume 1) by Zeki
The 3rd place Close Up Card Magic winner of the 2012 FISM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS OF MAGIC! Close Up Idea is packed with effects from the personal repertoire of FISM WINNER Yoo Hyun Min (Zeki) . You will learn diverse close up techniques,...
42,90 € *
Zero Elements (2 DVD Set) by Vernet
Zero Elements (2 DVD Set) by Vernet
This is what it is: Professional Magic Without Elements. Yes, with ZERO elements: not a single piece of paper, neither a coin nor a match. With ZERO you will have the power to perform plenty of effects, anytime, anywhere. ZERO is also a...
69,90 € *
Chaotic by Kieron Johnson
Chaotic by Kieron Johnson and RSVP Magic
Chaotic by Kieron Johnson and RSVP Magic Welcome to Chaotic the brand new project from Kieron Johnson . Kieron, creator of RSVP's best selling trick of 2012, To the Max, invite you to join him and he preforms and explains nine of his...
34,90 € *
Iclare by Shin Lim
iClear (DVD and Gimmicks) by Shin Lim Gold
iClear Silver (DVD and Gimmicks) by Shin Lim Clear - "A modern take on a classic effect." Imagine. Borrowing a cell phone, then placing it in your spectator's hands. With a simple magical gesture, you cause their iPhone to become...
44,90 € * 49,90 € *
Magic Made Simple Act 1 - DVD
Magic Made Simple Act 1 - DVD
Do you want to perform incredible feats of magic without investing hours of practice or money for special props? Magic Made Simple will teach you core concepts using common everyday items. In Act 1, you will learn to make ordinary balls...
14,90 € *
Celebridate by Sean Goodman
Celebridate by Sean Goodman
CelebriDate is a stunning piece of close up mentalism, which could easily be used on stage as well. Here's One Routine: A diary is handed out for examination. Within it are 366 famous birthdays alongside each of the 366 days of the year...
39,90 € *
Distance (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds
Distance (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds
Distance (DVD and Gimmicks) by SansMinds Distance is a fast attention grabber with nothing but a pen that sits in your pocket. Not only it is visually engaging, everyone walks out with a new skill they can share with their friends and...
39,90 € *
On/Off by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds
On/Off by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds
On/Off by Nicholas Lawrence and SansMinds A modern approach to the classic moving finger trick, making it a highly visual and impactful everyday miracle. Imagine asking your spectator "Have you ever had a ring on your finger for too long...
29,90 € *
Bound by Will Tsai and SansMinds
Bound by Will Tsai and SansMinds
Bound by Will Tsai and SansMinds The world's first linking rubber band effect that is COMPLETELY done by your spectator at their finger tips. It's a simple, direct, and modern approach to the classic linking rubber band magic. The bands...
39,90 € *
PhotoShop (Props and DVD) by Will Tsai and SM Productionz
PhotoShop (Props and DVD) by Will Tsai and SM...
PhotoShop (Props and DVD) by Will Tsai and SM Productionz Wie oft, glauben Sie, schauen sich die Leute eine Zeitschrift an und dachten: "Ich wünschte, ich könnte das einfach herausholen?" Jetzt kannst du! Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie...
36,90 € *
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