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Look No Hands by Wayne Dobson bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Look No Hands by Wayne Dobson | Zauber DVD
Look No Hands by Wayne Dobson and RSVP Magic Join your hosts Peter Nardi, Michael Sullivan & Gary Jones as they teach 10 amazingly easy to do, Hands Off routines from the devious mind of the brilliant Wayne Dobson. These are all tricks...
39,90 € *
Classic Carey by John Carey
Classic Carey by John Carey and RSVP Magic
Classic Carey by John Carey and RSVP Magic Welcome to our first DVD for 2015, Classic Carey, starring the inimitable John Carey. Featuring 13 brand new routines using just a regular deck of playing cards, join John once again as he...
39,90 € *
Sure Fire Kid - David Ginn DVD
Sure Fire Kid - David Ginn DVD
David Ginn defines "sure-fire" as something guaranteed to work. Everything on this DVD, taped at Clown Camp Lacrosse in June 1983, works wonders to make children laugh and applaud and love the performer - you! The first 70minutes is all...
19,95 € *
The Dwarfs by Stefan Olschewski DVD bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
The Dwarfs by Stefan Olschewski | DVD
Four randomly selected spectators... Three fair choices... One amazing killer prediction... Get ready for "The Dwarfs" ! Experience one of the most baffling and entertaining mentalism routines out there. Stefan explains his complete FISM...
34,90 € *
Extrem-Magie-Seminar Nathan Kranzo | DVD
Extrem-Magie-Seminar Nathan Kranzo | DVD
Ein urkomischer Gag, der immer für einen großen Lacher sorgt Al Baker's „Die Messerwahl“ Kranzos modernisierte Version eines vergessenen Effekts. Ein geliehenes Tischmesser oder ein Stift bewegt sich auf unheimliche Weise über den Tisch...
36,90 € *
Juan Pablo Ibañez - The Original Stand Volume 1
Juan Pablo Ibañez - The Original Stand Volume 1
Juan Pablo Ibañez is one of the most prolific magicians of Argentina, and on this DVD he explains several routines of his own repertoire. This is real life magic explained!! This 1st volume includes: Bottle Opener Imaginary Cigarette...
29,95 € *
Blindfold Tips by John Archer
Blindfold Tips by John Archer
by John Archer What can I say about John that you don't already know? John is one of the funniest entertainers I have ever seen! His comedy is funny and his magic is strong. What more could you possibly want from a performer? The...
39,95 € *
Lost Magic by David Ginn
Lost Magic by David Ginn
These out-of-print David Ginn books sold thousands of copies, and now you can get them as downloads from dealers. But how can you see the magic inside? LOST MAGIC is the answer! In the months before back surgery 2011, David amused...
19,95 € *
Secret seminars of magic with Patrick Page vol. 6 - 25 Super tricks & funny business for kids
Secret seminars of magic with Patrick Page vol....
25 Super Tricks Patrick Page has been called a walking encyclopedia of magic and on this video extravaganza, he shows why. You’ll find powerful, commercial ideas for cards, coins, balls, thimbles, rope and more, all delivered in Patrick...
19,95 € *
Very Best of Martin Nash 1 bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Very Best of Martin Nash L&L Publishing Volume 3
Martin A. Nash, "The Charming Cheat," is one of the top cardmen in the world. For years, he has been one of the most popular performers in the Magic Castle's Close-Up showroom and his technical ability and routining are unsurpassed. On...
34,90 € *
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