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Noted 2.0 Red (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones and Magic Tao
Noted 2.0 Red (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones...
Noted 2.0 (DVD and Gimmick) by Gary Jones and Magic Tao The scenario is as follows. You approach a group of people, or an individual, holding a small note pad and a Sharpie marker. You then say that you will vanish the note pad. On a...
26,90 € *
DVD Zaubern - V2F 2.0 by G
V2F 2.0 by G | DVD
The original Visual Vanish Fantasy has returned with more crazy stuff on DVD! ?? The most visual card vanish to anywhere! Even the most impossible location you can think of, from your wallet to spectator's shoe, and even inside of a...
39,90 € *
Stand Up Monte by Garrett Thomas Bicycle | Zaubertrick
Stand Up Monte by Garrett Thomas Bicycle |...
In The Hands Wildcard Effect that makes sense to real-world audiences. Garrett Thomas' Stand Up Monte includes eight or more transpositions or transformations. Draw them in with an intriguing story about games, gambling, scams, hustlers...
30,00 € *
Appearing Card In Bottle - Karte in Flasche DVD | Zaubertrick
Appearing Card In Bottle - Karte in Flasche DVD...
Appearing Card In Bottle - Karte in Flasche DVD Ist es möglich eine Karte in eine verschlossene Flasche zu zaubern, nur wenige Zentimeter vor den Augen eines Zuschauers? Finden Sie es heraus und lassen Sie sich von Eddy Ray die...
19,90 € *
Not Another 3 Card Trick & Cloned Packet Tricks | Zaubertrick & DVD
Not Another 3 Card Trick & Cloned Packet Tricks...
Schneller Überblick Zwei verblüffende Pakettricks vereint auf einer DVD. Dies sind lustige, visuelle Tricks, die leicht zu erlernen sind! Begleiten Sie Paul Hallas auf seiner DVD-Sammlung von Packet Trick Treasures! Alle Karten...
24,90 € *
Ace Assemblies (World's Greatest Magic) bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
Ace Assemblies (World's Greatest Magic) Vol. 2...
Imagine owning the most comprehensive magic book ever written. This would surely be a treasured possession for any magician with each chapter focusing on a single aspect of the craft and the very best routines ever created for it. That's...
24,90 € *
StoneX by David Stone & Jeanluc Bertrand
StoneX by David Stone & Jeanluc Bertrand
E X TRAORDINAIRE COMPLE X SE X Y MA X IMUM More than 3 Hours of PURE MAGIC! Shot Live In Paris and Blackpool FISM 2012 Stone's Complete Entertainment Magic Master Class INCLUDING: Misdirection - Credit Card Magic - "Clipper" The 4 Coins...
34,90 € *
Classic Carey by John Carey
Classic Carey by John Carey and RSVP Magic
Classic Carey by John Carey and RSVP Magic Welcome to our first DVD for 2015, Classic Carey, starring the inimitable John Carey. Featuring 13 brand new routines using just a regular deck of playing cards, join John once again as he...
39,90 € *
52 Pieces Of Paper by Idan Kaufman and Big Blind Media bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
52 Pieces Of Paper by Idan Kaufman and Big...
52 Pieces of Paper is an exciting collection of truly elegant card magic. Five versatile. and impressive moves. Five stylish productions. And five visual and exciting routines. Israeli card man Idan Kaufman (pronounced 'He-Done', not...
29,90 € *
Lake Tahoe Bar Magic
Lake Tahoe Bar Magic
Lake Tahoe Bar Magic Dieses DVD Set, Lake Taho Magic, ist eines der wenigen magischen DVD-Sets, dessen Inhalt von so hoher Qualität ist, das es für ein "ganzes Zaubererleben" reicht um davon gut zu leben. Dabei sind die Effekte und...
34,90 € *
Handy Trick Collection & Vampire Dawn Packet Tricks
Handy Trick Collection & Vampire Dawn Packet...
Handy Trick Collection & Vampire Dawn Packet Tricks with Teaching DVD Quick Overview Two amazing packet tricks combined on one DVD. These are fun, visual tricks that are easy to learn! Join Paul Hallas on his DVD collection of Packet...
24,95 € *
Rainbow Deck with Teaching DVD
Rainbow Deck with Teaching DVD
Rainbow Deck with Teaching DVD This deck is printed in Bicycle stock and comes with an instructional DVD. The Rainbow Deck routine is the most visually stunning card effect in magic! Marty Grams & Rudy T. Hunter will show you...
29,95 € * 39,95 € *
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