Classic Indian Street Magic (Book and DVD) by Martin Breese - DVD

Classic Indian Street Magic (Book and DVD) by Martin Breese - DVD
29,90 € *

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Some years ago in India, I (Martin Breese) met up with a young snake charmer and
Informations sur le produit "Classic Indian Street Magic (Book and DVD) by Martin Breese - DVD"

Some years ago in India, I (Martin Breese) met up with a young snake charmer and street magician. He was taught by his grandfather and father. His cups and balls routine with a final load of a little wooden bird and his handling of the Hindu Thread classic were outstanding. This chance meeting inspired my interest in Indian magic.

Recently in auction I bought a silent film from the 1920s. It features Indian street magicians and a young Kuda Bux doing the fire walk; perhaps the first fire walk ever to be filmed. It even includes shots of the Indian Rope Trick.

Included with the DVD, you will find an edited reprint of one of the earliest books on Indian magic, Indian Conjuring by Major L.H. Branson M.I.M.C. The book gives explanations of many classic Indian effects including the Mango Tree trick - also featured on the DVD.

You will see ghost-hunter, Harry Price attempting a weird occult ritual with a young woman and a goat. This has nothing to do with Indian magic but is of interest to magicians as Harry Price was deeply involved with conjuring as well as psychic research. The film provides a rare opportunity to see several Indian street magicians at work plus much more.

Running Time Approximately: 20min

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