Stand-up Magic (World's Greatest Magic) Volume 3 | DVD

Stand-up Magic (World's Greatest Magic) bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
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23,50 € *

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Délai de livraison 2-3 Tage Jours ouvrés

  • FD10478
Volume 3 On this volume, Tommy Wonder demonstrates why it's sometimes very fortunate to be
Informations sur le produit "Stand-up Magic (World's Greatest Magic) Volume 3 | DVD"

Volume 3
On this volume, Tommy Wonder demonstrates why it's sometimes very fortunate to be a magician while Karrell Fox shows you two methods for book tests that will thrill the hearts of magicians and mentalists everywhere. Speaking of mentalism, Banachek offers his wonderful take on the classic Add A Number routine while Dan Harlan takes some jumbo playing cards and explains why he had to do a lot of chores while growing up. Ted Lesley performs and explains an easy handling of the classic Six Card Repeat while Al Schneider demonstrates a logical version of the Multiplying Balls. Finally, J. J. Sanvert adds a truly incredible ending to the already-strong effect of linking three borrowed finger rings as the rings vanish and are found in impossible locations.

Ring, Watch & Wallet - Tommy Wonder
Two Fisted Book Test - Karrell Fox
Mene-Tekel Book Test - Karrell Fox
Add A Number - Banachek
Hold It, Buster - Dan Harlan
Silk Through Silk Effect - Jeff Sheridan
Six Card Repeat - Ted Lesley
Golf Balls - Al Schneider
Linking Finger Rings - J. J. Sanvert

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