Stand-up Magic (World's Greatest Magic) Volume 2 | DVD

Stand-up Magic bei Zaubershop Frenchdrop
23,50 € *

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  • FD10479
Volume 2 On this volume, you'll watch as Michael Finney, Steve Draun and Steve Dacri
Informations sur le produit "Stand-up Magic (World's Greatest Magic) Volume 2 | DVD"

Volume 2
On this volume, you'll watch as Michael Finney, Steve Draun and Steve Dacri breathe new life into three of magic's most popular tricks and demonstrate why they're classics. Michael Ammar and Eddie Tullock show you how to take a simple yet amazing card trick and make it something that will play for the largest audiences. Join Flip as he turns fantasy into reality by turning a drawing of a bottle of champagne into the real thing. Fielding West takes some props you probably already own and creates a hilarious series of effects that will devastate any audience. Finally, Michael Close uses some big money to get some really big laughs.

Professory's Nightmare - Michael Finney
Champagne Production - Flip
110 lb Card Trick - Michael Ammar
A Visit From Rocco - Michael Close
Sucker Egg & Hanky - Steve Dacri
Vernon's Linking Rings - Steve Draun
Coke Bottle Vanish / Glass of Water Production / Water in the News - Fielding West
The Four and a Half of Diamonds - Eddie Tullock

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