The Magic Of Nefesch Vol. 2 (2 DVD Set) by Nefesch and Titanas-C

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A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...
Informations sur le produit "The Magic Of Nefesch Vol. 2 (2 DVD Set) by Nefesch and Titanas-C"

A Unique Magic Collection and some amazing material previously unreleased until now...

Once there was magic. Then Nefesch came. And REAL magic arrived. The hottest magic release of 2008 is finally available and the most astonishing secrets of Nefesch and Titanas two of the most innovative and creative minds of the magic community have been revealed. 

Learn how to cry blood how to put a signed coin into an ice cube or into an egg or how to use the power of your mind to open a soda can from distance or to move a car (yes a real vrooom vrooom car!)or the most incredible visual astonishing signed card to sealed bottle ever seen! 

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. Prepare yourself to be thrilled by the live performance clips of Nefesch because it's how your spectators will be later thrilled by you.


Frozen: A Signed coin to ice cube. 

PRR: Palm reading revelation. 

Clean Hands: Coin to soap, with an awesome ending. 

Rebeled Match: Traveling match routine. 

Skin: Card revelation on spectator's arm. 

T & R from hell: An impossible T&R routine on the table. 

FMachine: I don't want to say a word about it. You have to see it to believe it!!! 

Plus bonuses, subtleties, inspirations, and more... 

Total Running Time Approximately 3hr 17min

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